Friday, January 25, 2008

Archangel Zadakiel

Original Vibrational Power Painting of AA Zadakiel available at AWgallery Direct.Com
Archival Quality Prints available in my gallery at: FINE Art
Voices of the Celestial Realms An Ascension Message from the ArchAngels for our Changing Times As channeled by Amethyst Wyldfyre ©2007 all rights reserved. Please feel free to distribute this to all with appropriate credits - Peace and joy, Amethyst Wyldfyre - Visit my Website!
Archangel Zadakiel as channeled by Amethyst Wyldfyre © March 12, 2007

I AM the Archangel Zadakiel. Earth is my milieu, Gaia my sweet consort. I speak for us both in this message to you. We feel your footsteps and we thank you for coming to serve at this time. We bless you and nourish you with air, water, minerals and elements. We feed you as you feed us. We welcome your entrance and presence in this Earthly Plane. We feel your deep, profound and abiding love for your Mother the Earth. We see you making strides to heal humanity’s relationship to the Mother. We applaud your efforts to reduce, reuse, recycle. We thank you for raising awareness around cleaning and clearing and detoxifying the air, the soil, and the waters. We are most grateful for your efforts on behalf of your relations in the plant and animal kingdoms. We know how diligently you have strived to shift the paradigm of greed, lust and abuse of your Mother’s precious body and blood. We hear your cries for change in the halls of your governmental structures. Gaia herself wishes to speak.....

My children, my children, my children, Love is all that Is. Feel my everlasting, total support for your time with me. See my abundant proliferation of foods, waters, and resources to sustain your visit here. See the beauty I have manifested to create a pleasant environment for your stay upon me. Thank you Children of the Light. Thank you Children of Mine. Thank you for the Love, the Light, and the manifestation of Peaceful co-existence with all of your brothers and sisters that is truly present in this moment, if only you choose to let the charade, the veil of illusion about our separateness drop from your vision and minds. Love is all there Is. See how very much I love you. Know how very grateful I am for the Love I receive from you. Feel the Peace of Pure Presence emanating from my core and let us resonate together as we ascend to the highest levels of Light. Peace be with you Children, I AM Gaia. My consort will complete this transmission now.

We thank you Children of the Light. We are with you. We support you. We love you. We are One. I AM the Archangel Zadakiel.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Archangel Haniel

Original Vibrational Power Painting of AA Haniel

Voices of the Celestial Realms An Ascension Message from the ArchAngels for our Changing Times As channeled by Amethyst Wyldfyre ©2007 all rights reserved. Please feel free to distribute this to all with appropriate credits - Peace and joy, Amethyst Wyldfyre -

Archangel Haniel as channeled by Amethyst Wyldfyre March 8, 2007

"Beloved children of the light, enjoy the quickening of the Beautiful Mother here in the Northern Hemisphere as Father Sun returns to warm the soil and loosen the earth for planting. Now is the time children, now is the time. Think and act with great care and clear intention for your dreams are manifesting at a most accelerated rate!

We in the Archangelic Realm are gently watching over and working with you as you grow, grow, grow, into the light of the New Day. Know that you are well and truly loved by your Creator and that all of heaven is surrounding you with Love-Light. Play beautiful music, surround yourself with early spring flowers, clear your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual space for the coming of the Golden Rays which will begin to penetrate your atmosphere and intensify your growing process so very very soon. Keep your hearts tuned to the light and remember that all is well and that peace prevails as you hold the vibration of peace within your matrix.

I thank you for your beloved attention and send you angel kisses and wrap you in wings of love. Beloved Haniel, Archangel of Nurturance and Growth.

ArchAngel Haniel as channeled by Amethyst Wyldfyre March 12, 2007

I AM the Archangel Haniel, Lover and nurturer of the Natural world. Seeds from heaven and the Archangelic Realms are being planted now. Seeds of Love. Seeds of Light. Each seed lovingly placed, carefully and perfectly deposited into every human heart. Seeds that will be activated, vibrated, accelerated over the coming weeks, months and years.

As each seed begins it’s germination process, higher and higher levels of light will manifest in your Earth realm. Gaia herself is quickening too with the multitude of seeds that have been planted within her heart. For you dear children, you Light bringers, you Beacons, you have come to bring the living light into the Heart of the World and to shift all of humanity with your mere presence. Yes Dear Ones – You!
And truly the term Light Worker can now be deleted from your vocabulary. Yes, it’s true! For there is now upon you a time where this “work” is no longer “work” shall we say? No indeed, now dear children it is the time for play! Joyous, exuberant, passionate, fully engaged, glorious, exciting, stimulating, enchanting, enticing, magical play! Play, play, play all Day! Play to your Heart’s content. Know that in your joyous and full expression of the “Lighter” side of your selves that you are serving so perfectly and precisely to shift the entire vibrational matrix of the planet to the realm of peace and light.

You dearest Light Bearers are truly the models and your actions and your attitudes, your positive loving thoughts and deeds are truly the catalysts for deep and profound and perfect transformation. Let us look at that word shall we? Trans-form-ation - Actively changing form. Precisely! You are actively changing the form of each and every construct, each and every relationship, each and every system, each and every pattern, throughout your entire realm. Every ONE. All that you have been told up until now, all that you believe to be “true” is turning upside down and inside out. Being de-constructed, leaving behind only the sacred core of eternal truth which is Love. Everything else must go. A clean slate, a fresh canvas, a blank page is now in formation. That’s right! The deconstruction process proceeds apace of the in-formation process. For everything in the universe is mutable, and nothing ever can disappear from the Universal matrix for all that is, was or ever will be is here, now and always will be! Just a magnificent panorama of ever changing form.

As the forms change, You! You! YOU! have the joy, the pure pleasure, the total abandon of conscious co-creation with the essential Source and Force that IS the I AM. The central organizing principal of the Universe – LOVE. Yes children that is what we call this core. LOVE. So children open your hearts, open your minds, open your bodies. Welcome the de-construction. Welcome the in-formation. Be open, give and receive, enter with all of your being into the pure, unadulterated, clear consciousness of LOVE.

I AM the Archangel Haniel and I LOVE YOU!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Archangel Michael

Original Vibrational Power Painting of Archangel Michael (sold)

Voices of the Celestial RealmsAn Ascension Message from the ArchAngels for our Changing Times As channeled by Amethyst Wyldfyre©2007 all rights reserved Please feel free to distribute this to all with appropriate credits - Peace and joy, Amethyst Wyldfyre -

Archangel Michael as channeled by Amethyst Wyldfyre March 2, 2007

I AM Michael, Mi-Ka-El. He who is like God, who sits with the Source, Lover, Protector, Sacred Symbol of All that Is Good & True. I come to you now in this day and age to assist you to Re-Member who and what you are. Each being who comes to connect with the information provided here will be blessed 10,000 fold as they connect, activate and step into their Divine Birthright. I am here primarily to remind you, to recall in your mind, to re-connect you to your sacred origins. You are GOD/Goddess and have come at this time to regain your consciousness of your true Nature.

This is the time of re-union, of returning, of rejoicing and rejoining. Soon, very, very soon you will find yourself joined once again with all of your Brothers and Sisters of Light. You will collectively drop the charade of separation and reconvene and emerge with the clear understanding and cognizance of your eternal Oneness. Once this re-convening and re-cognition has occurred, a new paradigm will instantaneously and spontaneously occur, as what is known in your language as a quantum leap, or also known as a Big Bang. The light energy that will be released upon this occurrence will be of a magnitude sufficient to create another Universe entirely, much like the plane you presently occupy was created as you have been informed by your scientists. The entire party of Light beings, Brothers and Sisters all will immediately and instantaneously populate the New Universe in a state of pure harmony and resonance with the Universal Law of Love.

This new paradigm will be accessible to some who may not make the initial evolutionary leap however there will be many who currently populate your realm who will either exit entirely returning back to Source energy or who will remain in the duality of their own creation. Now more than ever it is imperative to clear and detoxify from all attachments, personal, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Now is the time for the return to innocence, the time when purity prevails. A clear slate, a blank canvas, an empty page is before you now and you have and re-member in this very moment your vast, immense, immeasurable creative powers. As you enter the Big Bang, traversing through the Black Hole, defying every law of your present space-time continuum, you immediately leave behind all restrictions, all laws, all assumptions about what is and what is not and enter into the One Law - The Law of Love.

Enter now dear children of the Light and live the Love. I AM the Archangel Michael and I am here to guide you and protect you on this journey of rebirth and resurrection into the Light of your True Source. Be at Peace and align your personal will with the ever present flow of Dark Matter, Creator Source Energy and feed from this Eternal Spring directly. Allow every cell, molecule, atom, bone, organ, and vessel of your being and all of your many layers of Light Body to receive, to ingest the Heavenly Host, Manna, Prana, Life Force, that flows eternally in support of the Law of Love. Be well and be whole, be re-membered and be-cause of this new creation. First Cause, Prime Mover, Initiator and Catalyst of the creation and birthing out of the dregs and debris of the implosion/explosion of a matrix whose sole/soul purpose is the continuous, omni-present, infinite, eternal flow of LOVE.

Be and be seen. Know and be known, Hear and be heard. Feel and be felt. Activate the entire multi-sensory, multi-dimensional emotional, mental, physical, spiritual conglomeration and Radiate. Radiate! Be the Star that you Are! I AM the Archangel Michael, beside you, behind you, before you, below you, above you and within you and I will never, ever leave you. I AM with you always in All Ways.