Join together in sacred sound on this powerful gateway date of 888!
I will be offering a class called Chanting The Chakras 7 Keys to Opening the Doors of Divine Potential, where you can learn and practice seven different Sanskrit Chants for opening, healing, and activating the Chakric Column to reveal the truth of Heaven on Earth. This workshop includes a discussion about the function, color, bija sounds, and symbol for each chakra or energy center of the human body.
This three hour interactive and experiential workshop is intended to open the throat chakra specifically but also to clear, balance, and tone up the rest of the chakric column, empowering you to express your creative powers clearly and freely and to manifest divine inspiration in the physical realm. Celebrate opening and stepping through the doorway of Divine Potential!
Many people are choosing to perform ceremonies on this magical day of the triple 8 "Doorway of Potential" vibration.
Please join me at Circles of Wisdom in Andover, MA to celebrate this new enlightened energy!
Date: Friday, August 8, 2008
Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Price: $60.00
Location: Circles of Wisdom
1 comment:
Dearest Amethyst,
I was led to your site about a month ago, and was wondering if you would be posting here again. It was because of your paintings of the Archangels that I came across this blog. And have listened to the voice of Gabriel when you became his/her channel. Thank you for this gift!
It would have been so great if I could join you in this session- as I am in need of assistance of healing my throat chakra. However, I live in California and currently a struggling college student.
I am currently in my path of healing. I have undergone painful silencing both in the Now and my previous lives. In this lifetime I was admitted to the mental ward- for I could see and hear things. I didn't know how to handle my gifts and my family didn't know how to deal with me too. But it was out of love that they did it.
One of my gifted friends had pointed out that there are several cords that are "stuck" on my throat. She said I was punished in several past lives and branded as a heretic.
I want to speak and sing my Truth again, and truly wish I could be there with you when you give the lesson this Friday. I do believe the day is magical- 888. I have known about the opening of the gateway, but unsure of how to face that day.
My only prayer is that you would think of me as you teach your students. I do believe I will be healed.
And bless you, dearest Sister! I love Mama Mary! She is my personal guide and have honored her all my life.
You are a blessing to others, as you are to me. I'm truly grateful you have posted and created this blog for strangers like me to read. I am given hope.
Joy, my Love, lots of laughter and God's blessings to you always!
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